Thursday, 27 August 2015

Skyrim Followers

Skyrim followers mostly suck and always get in you're way. The first one you get from becoming thane of whiterun is Lydia. Now Lydia is a special type of follower she is very annoying when it comes to going into a room cause for some weird reason she stands in front of the door SO YOU CAN'T GET OUT!!!!!! She also keeps on dying a lot. although she is terrible, when you start off you kinda need her even if she is terrible. For those of you who are desperate she is also marriageable.Don't do it. 

Uthgerd The Unbroken is another one of the followers that you can get if you start of. She is in the bannered mare and you have to challenge her to I fight if you beat her she will gladly follow you.

If you become a thane of any one of the cites you will get a housecarl which is what Lydia is. they can all be your followers. 

you can also get mercs but if you would like some cool followers like Serrana get the dawnguard Dlc. that way you can even get armored trolls but you have to buy them. you could also get an armored dog at the dawnguard and you don't have to pay for him.

you can get animals as followers as you found out from the previous can get a dog or if you do the Dark brotherhood quests you can get a horse called shadowmere.

well that's me for this post guys and girls hope you enjoyed.             

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